All posts by jonkinne

This week!


I did a workout class at the Wyckoff YMCA on Sunday lead by my wife Eileen! It was awesome but I am still very, very sore. I plan on doing more of these as I train. She is teaching again Tuesday evening if your a member.

Ran three miles yesterday on the treadmill and felt very heavy. Got to run off the holiday 😉 I have another 3 mile today and tomorrow; I should be able to run outside.  Long run this weekend will be 7 miles:-)

Don’t forget to check out my fundraising website for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention below! Thanks to my colleague and friend John Brigante for the first donation! Please spread the word and donate to this great organization. link below.

Running With Eddie and Freddy!

Word of the day is: Erroneous |iˈrōnēəs|

adjective wrong; incorrect: employers sometimes make erroneous assumptions.

DERIVATIVES erroneously adverb,erroneousness noun

ORIGIN late Middle English: from Latin erroneus (from erro(n-) ‘vagabond,’ from errare ‘to stray, err’) + -ous.



Running with Eddie & Freddy!

Hi all, I encourage you to please check out the link below to my fundraising website for my two dear friends, Eddie and Freddy.

No running today, I are sick. I did do a spin class for the first time this week, which I still feel in my Sudetenland, and ran another 6 miles on wed/thurs. My wife Eileen will be teaching her second group fitness class tomorrow at the Wyckoff WMCA at 9:45 that I will be filling the role of “creepy guy in the back.” Seriously though these classes kick your butt and I definitely need the strength training on top of running.

Felt the earthquake last night so I got that going for me.

Word of the day: abhorrent |abˈhôrənt, -ˈhär-| adjective

inspiring disgust and loathing; repugnant: racial discrimination was abhorrent to us all.

ORIGIN late 16th cent.: from Latin abhorrent- ‘shuddering away from in horror,’ from the verb abhorrere (see abhor) .

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Greetings!!!!! Check out my Blog

Photo on 10-12-15 at 8.31 AMHi all,

Due to popular demand I have decided to start a blog. I will use this initially to map my progress as I train for the NJ Marathon and raise money for the AFSD. I also plan on adding funny and/or interesting events, sights, opinions etc.  as I plow towards age 40. I am doing this for a myriad of reasons but I hope to entertain and spread some joy along the way so I hope you will check out my blog in your free time.

Godspeed, SPORTS! and enjoy!

Jon Kinne